Thursday, September 3, 2020

Ertugral star Esra bilgic response to their haters on social media

 Ertugral star Esra bilgic response to their haters on social media :

Famous Turkish actor and model Esra bilgic responded sharply to his trollers.

Esra bilgic portrait in the popular Turkish drama series Ertugrul or Ertugrul Ghazi.

Ertugrul Ghazi drama tells Islamic history and this drama is also being liked very much but in Pakistan liked Ertugrul Ghazi very much and gave a lot of love to Halima and Ertugrul duo.

But people start connecting the play's story to real life and the same thing happens with Esra bilgic.

At first people loved Esra bilgic very much and then some people started criticizing Esra bilgic for their clothes.

trollers said:please dnt wear such dresses Halima baji not good 


Esra bilgic said:Let me give you a little advise :dnt follow me 

Earlier, Esra bilgic had also closed the comments on one of its posts.


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Sanam chaudhry blessed with a baby boy

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