Samir sharma:

Samir has been living on rent in a flat since February - the watchmen of the society saw someone hanging from a kitechen window with a fan and informed the police. The police broke down the door together with the people and it was Samirsharma's body. According to the Police body has decomposed and the body is two days old - and surprisingly, no suicide note or any other reason for suicide has yet come to light - Samir's body has been transferred to a government hospital - and police FIR is cut as accedental death .
Samir Sharma has also committed suicide. He was also found dead in his house. What is happening in Bollywood? People have come there and worked for so many years. What happens after earning a reputation? Leaving the peak and committing suicide. Who will answer all these questions - when the real cause of these suicides came to light - we can only pray that the journey ahead will be easy and nothing like this will happen in the future -
This is also a big loss for Bollywood - may his sole rest in piece